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Monday, October 17, 2011

October 11, 2011

I collaborated with an instructional designer today and developed ideas for the use of a Netbook in an undergraduate writing class.  The Netbooks will be used in a face to face classroom.  According to (Boettcher & Conrad, 2010) a web facilitated course uses web-based technology; such as a CMS to facilitate a face to face course.  The instructor in this case plans to utilize Blackboard tools in a face to face class setting.  We developed five ways the Netbooks could be used.

After looking at course learning objectives, we determined that online concept mapping through a program like bubbl.us or mindmeister would be an effective tool to visualize the organization of ideas related to the construction and deconstruction of an argument.   This activity will be important to a student’s understanding of debate and how to effectively research the pro’s and con’s of a topic to better build a case for their viewpoint in the final project which is to write a persuasion paper.  The brainstorming tool could be used by student/students independently or used as a collaborative tool in group activity.  The instructor would like the students to be capable of writing a persuasion paper by course end.  

Other uses for the Netbook are to set up a backchannel through Twitter and Tweetdeck for students to use during class to express research findings or for shy students to express thoughts that they would otherwise refrain from.

The instructor is using a textbook associated with a computer lab, so we thought it would be a good idea to use the activities in the online comp lab during class as a compliment to textbook readings.

We also thought it would be a good idea to utilize the Webquest concept during class…by perhaps giving students a learning objective and having the students research the topic independently or with a group.

It would also be a great idea to give students a list of web resources to access as needed during class. 

I found a link on the ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) website forwarding me to a good presentation by Tom Barrett called “12 Interesting Ways to Use a Netbook in Class.”  Check out the link below:

I also attended a Webinar on Selecting and Using Technologies in Online & Blended Courses.  Content was presented by Tony Bates, the President and CEO of Tony Bates Associates Ltd., a private consulting company specializing in the training and management of e-learning and distance education.

Mr. Bates went over a list of considerations when choosing technologies for learning.  He used an acronym “Sections.”

·         Students

·         Ease of Use

·         Costs

·         Teaching

·         Interaction

·         Organization

·         Novelty

·         Speed & Security

Questions that must be considered when choosing technology:

The students are the most important consideration. 

Do they have the motivation and computer ability/access to succeed?  What are their learning styles?  Do they have disabilities?  What are their life schedules (work, home)?

Do the technologies possess ease of use for the student and instructor? Is the technology reliable and easy to maintain? 

What are the cost categories, drivers, and structures and how are costs estimated?

What teaching styles and skills do the teachers possess? 

The types of interaction are important as well.  He discusses the four types of interaction…student-teacher, student-student, student- learning materials, and student- with him/herself.

Organizational influences impact technologies used.  Does the organization have the support structure to utilize technology?

Does the technology have the novelty to attract attention and support?

Are students identities protected?  Is technology fast enough to be effective?

Boettcher, J. V. & Conrad, R. M. (2010). The online teaching survival guide: Simple and practical pedagogical tips. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass

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