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Saturday, October 22, 2011

October 20, 2011

I attended “Quality Standards for Online Courses” in the Developing and Delivering Online Instruction Certification Program at AUM.  The course covered the subject of quality in online instruction.  One major point was that online instruction like any designed learning event is based on measurable outcomes.

The instructor encouraged class discussion on whether we thought Online Learning is an art, science, or craft.  At first I thought craft might be more appropriate because I see teaching as a learned skill; however, science fits as well because teaching involves obtaining professional knowledge through experimentation and observation.  Most of the class chose science.  However, I believe it takes art (visual), science (structure), and craft (skill) to design quality online learning.

A checklist should be followed when designing online courses and the following elements considered:

·         Structure

·         Design

·         Pre-Course Communication

·         Syllabus & Course Information

·         Course Activities

·         Assessments

·         Learner Support

·         Quality Assurance

In summary, online courses should be usable to the student and the instructor.  It should be easy to navigate, simple, and consistent to avoid confused results.

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